i x CANON DIVERGENT While not affiliated with Riot, I take full credit for any tampering I’ve done to Elise’s character and design. I do not write canon Elise, please do not try to change my muse to be more canon, thank you. My portrayal diverts from canon in a number of ways. Above all, my Elise is a drama queen, does not reside in the immortal bastion alone, and my portrayal focuses especially on her role as a cultist ━ she is a nasty person, and I as the writer do not condone nor excuse everything she does.


i x CREDIT Everything posted on this blog belongs to me unless otherwise stated. Do not steal my art, graphics, writing, layout or anything else you see here and on my blog. Art may not be reposted, but may be reblogged unless otherwise stated. Do not crop out my signature. Do not take what isn't yours.

i x DNI If you are of the belief that fiction doesn't influence reality, I don't want you here. Likewise, if you condone any gross topics I will hard block you, gross topics being incest, pedophilia, bestiality, non-con and dub-con, abuse, bigotry and so on.

i x TRIGGERS Please inform me if you want something specific tagged! I try to tag most common triggers using the format : trigger / /. For me, please tag your blood, sharp and pointy objects ( aichmophobia ), and your eye / nail gore, as well as any mentions of non-con / dub-con!

i x BLOCKING I reserve the right to block / unfollow at my own discretion. Please, if I unfollowed you, don’t ask me why ━ it’s extremely uncomfortable. I tend to be very forgiving and not block nearly enough though this is not an invitation to see how uncomfortable you can make me. Mutuals =/= having to interact! I may simply like to see you on my dash!

i x BOUNDARIES This blog is strictly 18+. Minors who follow me will be blocked. I will not follow you if you do not have your age listed somewhere. In general I follow selectively, semi-exclusively Do not come to me with the sole intent of smutting or getting art from me, and do not creep on me or my muse, etc. etc. I do not send in passwords. As far as callouts go, I tend to not reblog them and I generally want to remain uninvolved ━ Of course harmful behavior needs to be addressed, but I like to keep my blogs clear of that stuff.

i x WRITING Writing with mutuals, inbox open to everyone. / New threads, plotting, crossovers, OCs. / Self inserts, IRL muses, personals, child muses ( With few exceptions. ) I specialize in writing para / multi-para replies.

i x SHIPPING I am exclusive multiship, main shipped with @goldenweave and dynamics have priority in interactions, such as asks and threads. Selective and based on development. I am open to writing any sort of dynamic, safe for uncomfortable age gaps and such. You can always approach me with a ship and I’ll let you know if I'm interested. Please do not force your ship on me! I am willing to do pre-established relationships if they are carefully plotted out first. Oh, and of course, please respect my dynamics. I worked hard on them with my friends.

i x SMUT Smut in threads is pretty rare but I do post drabbles and such whenever I feel like it, but it is solely for my ship partners. Filter the tags suggestive / / and nsft / / to dodge the horny posts. I am also a fanfic writer, I write for all my muses and their partners over at AO3 under the name Wersa. Most of my writing there is NSFW.

i x AUTHOR I go by Runa, 26, she/her, Scandinavian. I suffer from paranoid schizophrenia, PTSD, and more which might influence my writing. Discord is available to mutuals upon request. Don't be afraid to ask! Discord is the best way to stay in contact with me. Blogroll. My activity ranges depending on where my inspiration goes.

Vicious and elegant, Elise’s charismatic grace lures the innocent and greedy alike into her web of deceit. While her victims may discover her true intentions, no one has ever lived to reveal what dark secrets lie behind her enigmatic guise.Known for her seemingly eternal youth and compelling beauty, Elisabeth ( more commonly known as Elise, Lady Elise. ) is among Noxus’ most secretive individuals, one who thrives on lies and manipulation. Rumors has it, that the noblewoman is in the possession of ancient dark magic and is extremely dangerous. Few know that the venom of an ancient “God” courses through her veins. Their union proves to strengthen them both, and for Elise, this means that her entire body has been altered to properly serve as the queen of spiders.


i x FULL NAME x i
Elisabeth Kythera Zaavan
Lady Elise of House Zaavan

i x PRONOUNS x i
She / her
feminine titles

i x RACE x i
Immortal mortal
Corrupted human

i x AGE x i
Adult ( 1.075, appears 30 )
October 26th, Scorpio

i x STATUS x i
Living in the finer parts of Noxus,
Noblewoman, cult leader, collector of antiquities

i x ORIENTATION Monogamous lesbian, Although she has a difficult time forming genuine feelings for others. There have been very few exceptions over the centuries, and Elise is fine with that.

i x AFFILIATIONS Herself, first and foremost. She is the founder and leader of The Cult of the Spider God, and has ties with The Black Roseshe is, in fact, a revered member of the latter.

i x LANGUAGES Common, modern and ur-noxian, modern and ur-demacian, shuriman, some ionian and freljordian. She also can communicate with spiders and some small bugs.

Over the years, Elise has collected quite a few i x TITLES x i but if they were to be rated in order of most to least used, it would be : The High Priestess, Lady of House Zaavan, The Black Widow, Lady of House Kythera, The Crimson Jewel of The Rose ( affectionately given to her by her wife, Emilia LeBlanc, in their respective verse. Only she may refer to Elise as such. ), and The Spider Queen.

Appearance section? Crickets. Crickets.

Elise is driven, extremely intelligent and her cunning knows no end. Elise has always been hardworking and ambitious, she has proven countless times to be merciless and cruel about achieving her goals — even before she gained immortality she knew how to get her way with others ( From analyzing to glazing her words and gestures, creating a world of illusion around someone. ) She toys with people’s emotions to gain the upper handbut that doesn't mean that she is completely emotionless. In fact, Elise experiences her emotions vividly, for better or for worse. It's only a quetion of whether she lets her true feelings show or not.


  • Gothic aesthetics

  • Solitude

  • Classical music

  • Classic Noxian cuisine

  • Red wine

  • Practicing / magic

  • Loud, sudden noises

  • Thunder and lighting

  • Being perceived as weak

  • Large bodies of water

  • Opening up to others

  • Being touched without permission

i x POSITIVE TRAITS Hardworking and ambitious. She is one of those people who never tire of learning. She can be loyal or devoted if the situation calls for it. Despite her cold demeanor, she experiences feelings strongly, and when she allows herself, she can be a caring and nourishing soul.

i x NEGATIVE TRAITS Has the urge to inflict pain, and to have control of situations or people. She can be cynical, mistrusting and has no qualms manipulating to have her way. People are mere pawns to her unless they prove themselves to her in some way.

i x FEARS Loss of control, aging, loss of beauty, being replaced, attachment, illnesses / diseases, loss of power / influence, drowning, slight fear of thunder and lightning. And last but not least she's afraid of her plans, lies and everything she’s worked for being exposed and ruined.

i x ARCHETYPE 45% Royal — When the Royal walks into a room, they command attention. They are the one in charge, and they enjoy reaping the rewards of their hard work. 35% Tastemaker — The Tastemaker is always on top of the trends — or starting their own. Their sense of style is second to none and their taste, impeccable. 20% Intellectual — The Intellectual is the ultimate dinner-party guest. Engaging questions and thoughtful debate are their trademarks.

i x TEMPERAMENT Choleric — Highly practical, rational, and logical. They excel at seeing the bigger picture and setting long-term objectives, often making them excellent strategic planners. However, their high degree of ambition and determination can sometimes be perceived as aggressive or overbearing. They are often seen as domineering, and they may struggle with interpersonal relationships due to their strong will and desire for control.

i x ENNEAGRAM Type 4: The Individualist — You act like a self guardian. You feel everything intensely, always cultivating something inside of you. It’s better to stand by yourself and not ask for any help or compassion because you believe no one could help you. You try to smooth your environment with aesthetic details because you’re hypersensitive and everything wakes up your feelings. So you interiorize those feelings and tend to take things personally.

i x MBTI INTJ, The Architect 62% Introverted, 83% Intuitive, 90% Thinking, 85% Judging, 60% Turbulent — It can be lonely at the top, and Architects know this all too well. Rational and quick-witted, Architects pride themselves on their ability to think for themselves, not to mention their uncanny knack for seeing right through phoniness and hypocrisy. But Architects may struggle to find people who can keep up with their nonstop analysis of everything around them.

Background story section? Crickets. Crickets.

i x V. MAIN # x i Elise is a Noxian noble with ties to multiple underground cults, most prominently, the Black Rose, whose leader she is also married to. She spends her days busy with work and plotting how best to expand her power not only within Noxus, but globally as well, though that as well as the majority of her existence is shrouded in mystery.


i x V. PAST # x i This verse stretches over quite the long period of time, but is tied to the Main verse and centered around Elise’s pastusually her mortal life, but it doesn't have to as it stretches almost up to current time.


i x V. SPIDER GODDESS # x i Elise has overthrown Vilemaw and taken his power for herself. The act of consuming his essence caused her to morph into a beautiful, but deadly spider-beastess ( See : her Death Blossom skin. ) She now roams his old territory, calling it her own.

i x V. EMPRESS # x i Set within @goldenweave's verse, LeBlanc seizes control over Noxus, and Elise follows her into this new life. She serves as advisor and partner to the Empress, and has no desire for the mantle herself. Navigating the political waters of Noxus in the wake of the shift in leadership is proving difficult, and Elise soon realizes that she is also becoming more of a bodyguard for her wife.


i x V. BLOOD MOON # x i A revered priestess of the Blood Moon cult, Elise has so wholly intertwined her body with her demon spirit that they are now a single entity. She has traveled beyond all known civilization, existing in the apocryphal darkness hanging beyond the precipice of the world.

i x V. COVEN # x i They came to Elise long ago, crawling through the underbrush, their many eyes locked with hers as a deal was made. The unfathomable powers of an Old God for her devotion and humanity. Reborn in the image of an arachnoid deity, Elise lingers along the edges of the Elderwood, enticing to their doom all those foolish enough to believe her a mere folktale.

i x V. DEBONAIR # x i Info about this verse coming soon.


i x V. WARCRAFT # x i Info about this verse coming soon.

i x V. DIABLO # x i Info about this verse coming soon.


i x V. MODERN # x i The owner of one of the most spoken of fashion companies, Elise has made a name for herself globally. Her designs are known to be original, but classy and typically on the darker side in terms of color. She is also known to be incredibly critical of everything, for better or for worse.

i x V. BURLESQUE # x i Elise is the headliner night after night in the local Burlesque club. She has everything the guests want ; from her stunning body to her dance moves to her memorable singing voice. Surely a night spent watching her and her fellow dancers is one not soon to be forgotten.

i x V. ACADEMY # x i Info about this verse coming soon.

i x V. CIRCUS # x i Elise was found by a traveling circus shortly after losing both of her parents. Her performances may include all sorts of things, from gymnastics to dancing, high wire acts, aerial acrobatics, etc. Her stage name is ‘ the Black Widow ’ and she is especially known for her delicate, practiced movements.



# ❛ ♛. goldenweave: leblanc ⊱ & when we burst ; start over ; o’ darling.




i x HONESTY x i

i x RESPECT x i

i x TRUST x i



And her heart skipped several beats, for she was met with the most beautifully enchanting eyes she had ever seen. Eyes she could get lost in, eyes so gold, so wonderfully goldno amount of riches or fortune could ever outweigh them.


/ Elise has always held the Matron of the Black Rose in highest regard, ever since that fateful day at the budding organization's library when they first locked eyes, centuries ago. To say that the two have had a tumultuous relationship is an understatement, and yet, there is no one in the world that Elise would rather devote herself to.Emilia is likely the most influential person in Elise's life ━ despite their disagreements, Elise always comes back to LeBlanc no matter what. She loves Emilia more than life itself, and her frustrations stem more from the reality of their situation and the fact that she is not her only lover, rather than anything else.Evaine, on the other hand, is another conversation entirely. As the current host, Elise often has to deal with her rather than Emilia, and seeing someone else wear her wife's visage is ever the predicament. While Elise does have a soft spot for Evaine, she will never be Emilia, a fact she has made awfully clear to the host over the years.



# ❛ ♛. sanguiresse: vladimir ⊱ i think ; in him i found a home.


i x HONESTY x i

i x RESPECT x i

i x TRUST x i



In fact, had it been anyone else, her touch would have stung with passion rather than this ; the adoring manner in which she slid her hands down over his shoulders, and her fingers splayed out across his collarbones. It was a tenderness she reserved for him alone.


/ Throughout the centuries, the has been only one constant in Elise's life ━ a steady pillar of familiarity, comfort and understanding that always stays, no matter the hardships. Vladimir Savatier. The hemomancer's own state may be concerning, especially when he goes through his moments with memory issues and the like, but Elise has sworn to always be there to greet him when he awakens.The two bond over their shared interests, and their dislike towards others. Especially the noble circles of Noxus has been subjected to their pranks. Oftentimes, Vladimir is the one to come up with the idea, and Elise supports these fullybe it replacing the wine with blood or booby trapping the meeting room chairs, the two have endless fun together.Elise fears the day she will have to live on without her best friend. Without him, who is going to have her back always? Who is going to make her laugh like no one else can? Who will she confide in, who better and more worthy of her adorations? No one.